Exercises to Improve Resonance

Exercises to Improve Resonance

Humming is an excellent exercise to improve
resonation. Close your lips lightly and hum. Hold the
sound for fifteen counts. To check if you are humming
right (to improve resonance) your lips should tickle.
Repeat this exercise several times.

Hum with your lips closed. Feel the cranium vibrating.
Then feel the nose, then the chin, and then the chest.
Hum m-m-m-m-m-m until the whole face is vibrating.
Then open the mouth and let the sound out on e-e-e-
e-e-e. After a while do the same with other vowels:

m-m-m-m-ay-ay-ay-ay, m-m-m-m-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah, and

Pronounce the following words, giving full value to
all the consonants in each word as you linger on the
vowel sounds:

just letter tipped fold
left little granted found
half-past around cold recognise
sound already government library

Read the following selection with a light touch and a
clear voice. Record it and listen to it critically:
Without our skates and sleigh bells' chime
January's an evil time.

Without carnival dance and mummers' sport
February's a trifling sort.
Lest March you lose, make this your rule:
Let folk not brand you an April fool.
When the first of April you've withstood,

You may enjoy a wealth of good.
And again in May, if Luck has called,
By another girl you'll be enthralled.
And she will busy you so much more,
Days, weeks, and months you will ignore.
T.,- ZH: as in usual
This sound is produced exactly the same way as the sh
sound - except that it is a voiced fricative.

rouge (roozh) mirage (mirahzh)
regime (rezhem) prestige (-eezh)
camouflage (camooflahzh) pleasure
entourage (ontoorahzh) gendarme (zhahn-dahrm)
vision bourgeois (boorzhwah)
bourgeoisie (boorzhwahzee) treasure
sabotage (-ahzh or ij) espionage (-ahzh or ij)
decision occasional

Full measure of pleasure
We'll measure our pleasure.
Is leisure a pleasure?
Is leisure a treasure?
Make your measure of leisure your measure of pleasure,
a treasure of Parisian leisure.
An unusual division of leisure according to pleasure,
A usual division of Parisian pleasure in the measure of leisure.

W: as in will

This is a voiced glide. At the beginning of the w sound, the
lips are well rounded and the tongue is in the high back
position similar to the position it is in when pronouncing
long 00. The lips are then quickly unrounded before the
vowel which follows the w is produced. The tongue glides
smoothly into the position of the vowel following wand
the voiced sound is continuous.


A common mistake made by many is the inability to differentiate between the v and w sounds. It must be remembered that the v sound is made correctly when the top teeth graze-the lower lip. To produce the w sound, the lips have to be fully rounded as though you were going to whistle. The following contrast words will help you to articulate the difference between the v and w sounds.

v - we
vow - wow
view - woo
vie - y
vet - wet
vane - wane
vest - west
viper - wiper

Why can't we ever vote?
When their wives leave they wave to them.
There was a vicious wind through the vines.
vision - wizen
H: as in hat
This sound is a voiceless glide made with a strong force of
breath. It is found only before vowel sounds and never
before consonant sounds. During the pronunciation of the
h the tongue and the lips are in position for the
pronunciation of the vowel which follows the h.

hot heat home head heel
heal hymn haul hell hue
hair high ahead behind perhaps
behaviour behove dishearten misbehave behold

In the following exercise, don't omit the h sound.

awl- haul
air - hair
ewe - hew
sow - how
eye - high
ill- hill
ate - hate
is - his
and - hand
at - hat
lead - head
eat - heat
eaves - heaves
anchor - hanker
liar - hire
W: as in why
This sound is produced the same way as hand w. Don't
omit the h.

white (hwite)
which (hwich)
when (hwen)
where (hwere)
why (hwy)
what (hwat)

In the following exercise, don't omit the h sound. Also note,
you sound the h before you pronounce the w sound.

whale - wail
where - wear
whoa - woe
whither _ wither
whacks - wax

what - wart
what - watt
whet - wet
whit - wit
why - rye
whining - wining
wheel - weal
whether - weather
which - witch
white - Wight
while - wile

Mr. Watt asked which way Ms. Wight went.
William considered whether it was wise to wear the white
wig and whiskers.
He whirled about and inquired whether Mr. Whitney
whistled when he worked.
Whether or not the weather is pleasant, I know where we
shall go and which dress I shall wear.
We wonder whether whales are whimsical.
Why does Walter whistle while he waits?
What whim led Wendy to whistle near the wharf where a
whale may whirl or wheel?

 T"1' L: as in love
This is a voiced lateral. When I comes before vowels, the
front part of the tongue is spread out and touches the tooth
ridge. The middle of the tongue is high.


leave live let line learn
luck long lesson life: last
lust lemon look limp letter
liver length level lace lump
lose loose lead linger loving

When I comes after vowels, the tip of the tongue touches
the tooth ridge. The middle of the tongue is low. (In some
books this is referred to as a dark 1.)

ill pill pull tell peel
all fill pole knell reel
milk help self felt dale
child meal early small wall
apple. girls awful field called

IR' in Various Situations. .
R: as in deer
fhe letter r after the vowels tends to make a change in the vowel sounds. At the beginning of the r sound, the tip of the tongue is turned up sharply toward the palate and the lips are rounded a bit. The vowel sound (voiced) is continued to the r which follows it. There is no contact of the tongue with the palate and the tongue does not vibrate.

Read across:
ear air or bear beer gear
peer pair pore pire purr poor
mere mare more mar myrrh moor
tear (n) tear (v) tore tar turn tour
seer share sore sire sir sorry
leer lair lore large learn lorry
err bare bore bard bird boor
deer dare door darn dirty dairy
fear fare for far fir fairy
hear hare hoard hard heard hairy

R: as in root
To form the r sound before vowels, the tip of the tongue is turned up sharply toward the palate and the lips are rounded. As the voicing begins the tip of the tongue lowers to produce the vowel sound which follows the r. The voiced sound is continuous during the pronunciation of r and the vowel which follows it.
tude round right rote red
Writing riding rung ran reed

wren room rum rid raid
rule reel ream rue read

R: as in dream (after consonants)
After stop sounds, such as, p, t, k, b,.d, g in the same syllable the r is almost voiceless and slightly fricative. Do not touch the tooth ridge of the palate with the tongue.

grain grin grim greed grill
dress drown brown tree trample
brew prune drain praise drink
drool train prig prick broom

The following-are a list of words that are often given the wrong accent by fairly well educated persons. Check these words to correct your accent.

a cumen , ill as , a wry
cat a strophic com bat ant com pa ra ble
de bate des' ul tory dif i gi ble
dis claim dis close en tire ,
for mi da ble ho ri' zon i de a
im pi ous . ' im po tent in com pa r able
in fa mous in de fat i ga ble ir rev 0 ca ble
The following words have two accents, one when they are used as verbs and another when they are used as nouns or adjectives. Check the words and learn to pronounce them correctly.


, con flict (v) con flict(n)
di gest (v) , di gest (n)
in crease (v) ill crease (n)
ob ject , (v) ob ject (n)
pre sent' (v) pre sent , (n)
pro gress (v) pro gress . (n)
re fill (v) ne fill (n)

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